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" I say it less in words and more silently in work..." Van Gogh, 1883


Oil - Acrylic - Watercolor - Pen & Ink - Photography


Works on Canvas

Measurements of artworks are given in inches, height before width.

"....I'd like to paint in such a way that everyone who has eyes could understand it..." Van Gogh, 1888

Tribute to Tchaikovsky, 1971

(Violin Concerto in D, OP. 35)

Oil on canvas 

24 x 36 inches

Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. Collection, New York


Favelas sa Pilipinas, 1975

(Shantytown in the Philippines)

Oil on canvas

8 x 21 inches

Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. Collection, New York, 1977

Gift to Vina Freya C. Orden, New York, 2017


Exploring Pointillism

" ambition is to make modern people in their essential traits move about as they do on friezes and place them on canvases organized by harmonies...."      

                                  Georges Seurat 1884

The Naked Tree, 1976

Acrylic on canvas 

24 x 20 inches

1977 Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. Collection, New York

Sunset in Points, 1977​

Mixed Medium: Rice Paper Collage, 

Watercolor in 140lb. Arches

13”x 9”

1978 Profs. Julius and Lorelei Mendoza Collection

Baguio City, Philippines

Dad's Farmhouse in Points, 1977

Acrylic on canvas 

23" x 24"

 Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. Collection, New York 1977

Makadangdang, 1977

Acrylic on canvas

23" x 24"

Private Collection, 1977

Anthony and Johanna A. Johnson Collection, New York 2018

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue... 2003

 Acrylic on canvas 

30  x 40 inches (twelve 10 x 10-inche canvas panels) 

Private Collection, New York 2003

Rhapsody in Blue, 2018

1/1 Poster Art Print, 

24 x 36 inches 

Spray Beach, Long Beach Island, NJ


This Old House, 1979

(Engineer's Hill, Baguio City, Philippines)

 Oil on canvas 

 18 x 24 inches

Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr., New York, 1980

The Road to Dad's Farm, 1979

Oil on canvas 

 18 x 24 inches

 Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr. Collection, New York, 1980

Vina Freya at Three, 1982

Oil on canvas

24 x 18 inches

Private Collection, 1982

Korina Faye at Three, 1984

Oil on canvas

16 x 20 inches

Private Collection, 1984

Crimson Sunset 2, 1985

Oil on Canvas

20 x 16 inches

Mr. and Mrs. Noel Alfonso Cacho Collection, 1986

Baguio City, Philippines

View from my Bedroom Window, 1985

Oil on canvas

20 inches in diameter

Mr. and Mrs Noel Alfonso Cacho Collection, 1987

Baguio City, Philippines

Tribute to Father Gus, 1985

(Benedictine Chapel, Baguio City)

Oil on canvas

 18 x 24 inches

 Dr. and Mrs. Ruben Maranan, 1987

Baguio City Philippines

The Gate at The Benedictine Abbey, 1986

(Benedictine Chapel, Baguio City)

Oil on canvas

31 x 29 inches

Prof. Ben Tapang, 1987

Baguio City,  Philippines

Repose for the Wounded, 1985

(Sagada Church #1)

Oil on Canvas

16 X 20 inches

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ramos, 1987

Hawaii, USA

Sagada Church #2*, 1986

Oil on Canvas 

40 X 40 inches

Donation to The Darnay Demetillo Art Space, 2019

University of the Philippines, Baguio City 

The Anglican Church of St. Mary the Virgin is the oldest church in the Cordillera region outside Baguio City, Philippines. Located at the Episcopalian Mission Compound, it was consecrated on December 8, 1921. The architecture is a mixture of foreign and indigenous design. This church is famous for its rose petals stained glass.


Chiaroscuro : The Concept of Light and Shadow

Years with David Leffel at New York's Art Student's League


Three Pears, Grapes, Chianti Bottle and a Mug, 1990

New York's Art Students League

Oil on canvas

16 x 20 inches

Jane and Jeremy Ockelford Collection, London, 2022

Still Life: Blue Jar, Two Eggs and Marigolds, 1991

New York's  Art Students League

Oil on canvas 

20 x 16 inches

 Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester Almiron Jr., New York, 1991

Peeled Orange, Copper and a Jug, 1992

New York's Art Students League

Oil on canvas 

18 x 24 inches

Private Collection, New York 1992

Nalinak, 1995

(Calm Waters, Bar Harbor, ME)

Oil on Canvas

16 X 20 inches

Ms. Sharon De Gregory Collection, New York, 1995

Winter in the Park, 1995

Oil on Canvas 

20 X 16 inches

Ms. Sharon de Gregory Collection, 1995

Pink Tulips #1, 1993

Oil on Canvas 

24 x 18 inches

 Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Avecilla Collection, New York, 1994

 Pink Tulips #2  (Triptych), 1994

Oil on Canvas

36 x 48 inches 

( 2 side panels 12 inches x 36 inches; 1 center panel 24 x 36 inches)

Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Avecilla Collection, New York 1994

Sisters at the Crossroad, 1999

Oil on canvas 

36 x 24 inches

 Private Collection, New York 1999

 “Lucy’s Moment W​ith Lolo”, 2021 

Aqua Oil on Canvas

30 X 18 X 1 inch

ARTcertificate # A343507706

Mr. and Mrs. Rene Posadas Collection

Lynnwood, Washington

Longing and whimsy, innocence and experience, irreverence and wit,

as well as a penchant for the purely zany, coexist in Banksy’s work. 

Will Ellsworth-Jones  (Smithsonian Magazine) 

In October of 2013, Banksy became 'Artist in Residence' for the City of New York. An honor so prestigious, but he made it up and awarded it to himself! Banksy began a one-month “show on the streets of New York,” for which he opened a separate website and Twitter account. Each day of the month in October 2013(barring those where “police activity” scuttled his plans), Banksy created works at random locations around the city — often in the form of satirical messages stenciled on walls. Banksy even provided an audio-guide available on a toll-free number for each work created, as if each of those works were part of a curated exhibit within a museum with audio-guides. Each piece drew hundreds of curious onlookers as it was discovered. 

Now, the question is, what ever happened to all that art? Almost all of it is gone. The majority were defaced by other graffiti artists within a few hours. The only pieces that survive are the ones that were immediately protected. 

While the value of Banksy’s pieces soars, a poignancy attends some of Banksy’s creative output. A number of his works exist only in memory, or photographs or coexist with other artists work.

"Banksy, Brooklyn and Vena",  2022

Tagged photo of Banksy’s 2013 work titled “Brooklyn” - a heart-shaped balloon mural painted on a wall at the corner of King and Van Brunt streets in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

Mixed Medium: Photography, Photoshop, acrylic, digital collage 

and Digital Tagging on Canvas

25.5 inches x 17 3/4 inches

ARTcertificate # A694003265

“Brooklyn" is obviously an iconic representation of the battle to survive a broken heart. It’s an uplifting visual poem to that most fragile of human emotions that seem to move within us as if on a soft breeze,” an audio guide at explains.

Venazir Martinez* Collection

Baguio City, Philippines

*Venazir Martinez is a street artist creating beauty, depth, and advocacy on the walls of Baguio City in the Cordillera region of the Philippines. Martinez’s mission is to highlight indigenous communities in the Philippines and make viewers ask: What does it mean to be Filipino? (Emma Riva)

Vina, my daughter fondly calls her the "Banksy of the Cordilleras!"

"He Caught the Girl's Balloon" 

(Tagged photo of Banksy's Girl with the Balloon 2004)

Mixed Medium: Photoshop, digital photo collage and 

digital tagging on Canvas

24 X 16 inches

ARTtrust certificate # A698987760

Lito Tesoro Collection


                         “Lulu with Purple Balloon beside 

                       Banksy’s Girl with Red Balloon”, 2021

(Tagged photo of Banksy’s 2004 print of the “Girl with Red Balloon”, 2004)

Mixed Medium: Photography, Photoshop, Digital Collage, and Digital Tagging on Canvas. 

16x 16 inches

ARTtrust certificate # A551358134

Lulu Almiron Collection, New York

The red balloon, as the only spot of color, is an archetypal symbol of childhood and freedom many of us connect with. More than a simple child’s toy, it evokes fragility of what it stands for: innocence, dreams, hope and love. Girl with Balloon is one of Banksy’s many works that focus on the theme of childhood.

The artist utilizes the innocence and moral virtue associated with children to turn a mirror on society, foregrounding its faults and injustices.Banksy frequently combines images of childhood, and its closely connected notions of both purity and nostalgia, with somber and despondent themes of war, political division, and mass surveillance. In doing so, the tenderness of the child’s image evokes an increasingly powerful and provocative message. 

Viewers of Girl with Balloon cannot help but feel empathy for the young child’s loss. But, at the same time, her out-reached hand embodies a determined and admirable longing for something better. For this reason, the image has become a universal symbol of optimism.